Tuesday, August 03, 2010

And it continues...

The ad I posted on Craig's List last week? Well, it didn't actually go up. So last night I made sure to post it correctly and I've already had a couple responses. I have yet to respond to those, however, because I can't find the title of my car. Hm.

Today will involve a trip to the DMV. Yay.

On a happier note, I've been enjoying my smaller wardrobe. It's easier for me to pair things together and I haven't missed anything. My bookshelves are still overflowing, and there are many books that I am getting less and less attached to and more ready to sell. Yet there's still the Third Category of my belongings: Not A Book or Clothing Item. This is where I really need to downsize: the pointless knick-knacks, the random junk, the "What IS this?" item...


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