My Moses hates baskets
My poor Mosey-baby. When I came home from work today, he immediately curled up to sleep. Didn't even cry for milk. Well, he usually wails by the fridge, so I checked on the sleepy pillbug and saw blood on his left bottom eyelid.
My aunt Denise is a veterinarian's assistant and loves animals more than most people I know. I called her, and she asked me to try and determine if something had scratched his eye or if something was stuck in it. I couldn't do this, but she told me that if the eye was left untreated, and something was seriously wrong, Moses could lose his eye.
We went to the Pet E.R. here in town, and some very nice vets determined that his cornea was scratched about half its thickness, with part of the scratch folded in on itself. Left on its own to heal, that fold could damage Moses' vision or become infected; the best thing to do would be topical anesthesia and cut the fold off! And that's what they did.
I cried on the way home. Moses howled in the car, the most miserable I've ever heard him sound. He hated the clinic and was shaking, almost hyperventilating, the whole time. $250 later, he's stuck in a cone that doesn't allow him to curl up and sleep, I'm sticking drops in his eye every two hours, and he's still scared.
Earlier today I thought a client was weird because of taking his dog to a canine chiropractor. Well, I understand more now the lengths I will go for my pet. I hate seeing Moses uncomfortable. I hate seeing him scared. I hate seeing him in pain. Hopefully he'll soon be used to the cone. He has to wear it at least for at least two days so he won't damage his eye further. Since an area of his cornea is thinner now, there's a possibility he could tear it.
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