Sunday, October 16, 2011

The thing I'll always cheat for. Always.

My father's chai.

He learned to make it in Nepal. Black tea, sugar, milk, spices, all baked in the oven. Delicious. Really. Anyone who's tried it has liked it. No, that's not correct. They've LOVED it. It's amazing. And soy just doesn't compare. It's unlike any chai I've ever had anywhere; its spices are more subtle. The caffeine is not. As a rule, it's not served after 6 p.m. unless it's New Year's Eve or for some specific reason we all need to stay up past midnight. I love it.

I made some vegan chocolate-chip scones to atone for my cheating ways. First time I've ever made scones and the texture's not right, but still tasty. They go very well with father's chai.

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